Slovakia flag Slovakia: Travelling

Practical information for travellers in Slovakia

Living Conditions


Emergency Numbers

Emergencies (European number) 112
Police 158
Medical emergencies 155
Firemen 150

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Time Difference and Climate

Current Local Time
It is %T:%M %A In Bratislava
Summer Time Period
Summer time from March to October

Map of the Time Zone

Time zone

Type of Climate
The climate is temperate: summers are mild and winters are cold, long and harsh. The coldest month is January (- 2° C) and the hottest months are July and August (21°C). The best time to visit the country is during the months of June to September.
Hotel reservation websites
Slovak meteorological institute (in Slovak)

Average Annual Temperatures and Rainfall



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Food Specialties
Slovak food is influenced by Hungarian, Austrian and German cuisines. The Slovaks offer numerous specialties such as a big variety of soups, vegetable-based dishes, smoked pork meats and numerous pasta-based dishes.
The culinary specialties vary from one region to another.
One of the most popular dishes is the Bryndzové halusky: potatoes covered with grilled bacon and ewe's milk cheese .
The kapustnica: vegetable soup with mushrooms and small pieces of smoked pork. It is traditionally served on important occasions such as weddings or at Christmas.
Sunkova rolkas chrenovou: it is an appetizer with small pieces of ham, dipped into a horseradish sauce and served with a wild berries brandy (borovicka).
For dessert, you can enjoy the Slovak pancakes (palacinky) with a chocolate sauce, some jam or soft white cheese with grapes. Finally, you can enjoy the Makove sulance, a  fried vermicelli-based dessert with poppy seeds and sugar sprinkled on top.
Finally, you can enjoy your dinner with a plum brandy: the slivovica.
Slovak aperitifs are Slivovica (plum brandy) and fruit brandies such as Hruskovica (pear), Marhul'ovica (apricot), Borovicka (juniper berries) or Demanovka (spices).
Slovakia is historically a wine producing area. Slovak wines are Burciak (a young wine), Trebisov, Tokay (a sweet wine), Rheinriesling, Welschriesling, Gruner Veltiner, Traminer, Silvaner and Muller-Thurgau.
Widespread non-alcoholic drinks are Vinea (a drink made from grape must) and Kofola.
Dietary Restrictions
There are no culinary restrictions in Slovak cooking.

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Domestic Currency
ISO Code
To Obtain Domestic Currency
The currency is the Euro or the EUR. You can easily find MasterCard ATMs and more and more Visa card ones. Money can be changed in banks, post offices, hotels and some department stores.
Possible Means of Payment
In shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. you can pay in cash or by credit card.

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Official Language
The official language of Slovakia is Slovak which is spoken by 85% of the population.
Other Languages Spoken
It is important to note that other languages are used in this country such as Hungarian, Ukrainian, Polish and Czech. Hungarians represent the largest minority in Slovakia, with more than 10% of the total population. Most Hungarians speak their mother tongue and live in the south of the country. Finally, Czechs represent the third national minority and keep their own language: Czech.
Business Language
Slovak, German and English.

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