Germany flag Germany: Travelling

Practical information for travellers in Germany

Living Conditions


Emergency Numbers

Police 110
Fire services and assistance 112
Credit card loss 116 116

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Time Difference and Climate

Current Local Time
It is %T:%M %A In Berlin
Summer Time Period
Summer time from March (last Sunday) to October (last Sunday)

Map of the Time Zone

Time zone

Type of Climate
The country has a continental climate with wide variations in temperature between the seasons. The northern regions have a milder oceanic type climate, while the southern regions have a continental climate with more rain. In the summer, the anticylones bring hot, sunny days, but the nights are cool. In winter, the days are short.
Hotel reservation websites
German Meteorological Agency (Deutscher Wetterdienst)

Average Annual Temperatures and Rainfall



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Food Specialties
Examples of German culinary specialties:
- Wurst (sausages)
- Schinken  (pork products, about 1,500 varieties)
- Brot (the famous German bread, more than 200 varieties)
- Eisbein mit Sauerkraut (ham hock with fermented cabbage)
- Apfelstrudel (apple strudel)
- Stollen (fruit bread)
- Mohnkuchen (poppyseed cake)

German culinary specialties vary according to regions, including Bade Wurtenberg’s Spätzle (a type of pasta).
Germany is known for its wide variety of beer- producing about 5,000 different brews. As the home to 1,800 breweries, Germany is the world’s second biggest producer and the biggest exporter of beers. A refreshing drink- a Radler, is a beer diluted with lemonade. When it comes to non-alcoholic beverages, Germans prefer sparkling water to still water. Another favourite is Apfelschorle, apple juice diluted with lemonade.
Dietary Restrictions
Generally speaking, there are no dietary restrictions in the country. That being said, there are some Germans that are vegetarian and some that do not partake in certain products due to religious affiliations.

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Domestic Currency
ISO Code
To Obtain Domestic Currency
ATMs take most credit cards- they are plentiful and easily accessible, in airports, town centres and throughout the country.
Possible Means of Payment
Cash payments are very widespread, and credit cards are increasingly accepted- although some restaurants will only take cash. Further, some establishments only take the "EC" card (a payment card, issued by German banks, which is not a credit card).

Payment by cheque in shops or restaurants is not possible.

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Official Language
Other Languages Spoken
Most Germans have a very good knowledge of English. Quite a few of them speak French. Additionally, though less frequently, Italian, Spanish and Russian are also spoken.
Business Language
The business languages are German and English.

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